Thursday, June 21, 2012

"A Pitcher Full", a 9x8.5 original still life pastel by Colorado artist, Barbara Churchley

Flowers are just the most fun thing to paint, or pastel in this case! Flowers are just so beautiful that I can’t help but enjoy myself when I paint them. Your turn to enjoy! FYI, I just sent out a newsletter; if you would like to receive my semiannual newsletter, please sign up on my website at

Friday, June 8, 2012

"Barns in Summer", an 11x14 original landscape oil painting by western Colorado artist, Barbara Churchley

In my workshops, I am always asked to demonstrate the palette knife. I usually take a painting this is more or less finished and re-paint it with the knife. This painting is a result of just such a demo. I made some later adjustments in my studio, and feel the piece is lively and inviting. I would love to have you on my newsletter mailing list(no more than twice a year, I promise!). Please sign up and view more of my work on my website at